Monday, February 17, 2020

10 tips to avoid haram relationship

Clear Your Heart ♥ And purify yourself By repenting.. Remember Allah forgives All that you have done All your Past .
2. Delete all the emails, texts, Facebook messages, phone number, voice
mails, and else you have that reminds you of that person.
Don't try to find out what they're up to, and stop cyber-stalking them.
3.Tell them you're moving on.
Do it over email and keep it short and not open ended by any interpretation.
Tell them it's something you have to do for the sake of Allah, and ask them
not to contact you.
4.Let your love of Allah fill your heart.
Ask for His forgiveness and put your trust in Him.
He will not neglect you.
Tell Him how you feel - in whatever language you know how.
Cry to Him it you want to.
Do whatever you can to get closer to Him.
5. Don't keep wondering if they're thinking about you.
Fill your time with things that you love and wil engage and fulfll you.
Play sports, go hiking, or head to the driving range.
6. Feeling messed up? Follow up with something good.
Give charity.
Pray at night while others are sleeping. Feed the hungry. Fast some extra
Just be thankful that Allah saved you from something that could have gotten
7.Discover your talents. Develop your skills in something you enjoy.
Take time to do things that will be tough to do once you get married and
have less time for yourself.
Dream big about other things and accomplish something real.
Your whole life, and especially your youth, is not about you being attached to
Someone else.
8.Be with people who you know would not want you to be in that haram relationship.
"And keep yourself patiently with those who call on their Lord morning and after-
noon, seeking His Face, and let not your eyes overlook them, desiring the pomp
and glitter of the life of the world; and obey not him whose heart We have made
heedless of Our Remembrance, one who follows his own lusts and whose affair
deeds) has been lost." (18:28)
9.Evaluate what really makes sense in your life with regards to marriage
Is it really the right time for you? Are there things you have to accomplish
before you're ready?
Get the advice of good, righteous, and knowledgeable people to help
evaluate. ⬇️⬇️

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