Monday, October 4, 2010

Laut merah terbelah sebab angin?????

This illustration shows how a strong wind from the east could push back waters from two ancient basins -- a lagoon (left) and a river (right) -- to create a temporary land bridge. New research suggests that such a physical process could have led to a parting of waters similar to the description in the biblical account of the Red Sea.

Diatas adalah gambaran saintis bagaimana laut merah terbelah masa nabi musa dulu. Semuanya fizik dan
angin . Entahlah ini dibuat mungkin  untuk menidakkan mukjizat nabi musa. Bacalah link diatas tapi in English nanti ada ruang saya translate- hati hati orang beriman ini logik akal tapi Allah maha berkuasa.
Allah berfirman:

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